I had a Belief Code session with John around the fact I feel that I always let myself down. John uncovered a split belief system supporting this feeling, that was in part inherited and in part absorbed at my birth.

What came up to be understood and released was fascinating and gave me a real insight into why I have been struggling with this all my life. I had a number of negative programmes, some specific limiting beliefs and a faulty core belief of ‘I am only loved if I am all things to all people at all times’. I also had a faulty core identity of ‘I have to live with it’. Wow. Both of these resonated hugely with me.

John uses the Discover Healing BC system but incorporates any intuitive guidance he receives, which added to and enhanced my understanding of this belief system and the process we were undertaking.

We were able to release imbalances holding this belief system in place and all the aspects of the system itself. Interestingly the next day something happened that could have been a reinforcement of the original belief. My observation of this and ability to know different was so helpful and meant I was not sucked into the familiar feeling.

It is early days but I have felt much better since the session and today realise that I am making decisions in a much clearer way, without the old self doubt or negative chatter. I am excited to see what is possible now these limiting beliefs are released. Thank you John. Rosi Cooper (February, 2024)
