Book a Three Dimensional Therapy Session
Dynamic Business Clearing for micro sized businesses
1x Session, 1.5 hours
- Energeti clearing for businesses sized up to 5 owners/staff using the Body Code
- Report of energies clered within the business entity and owner provided.
£90 UKP
Dynamic Business Clearing for larger sized businesses
1x Session, 2 hours
- Energeti clearing for businesses sized up to 10 owners/staff using the Body Code
- Report of energies cleared within the business entity and owner provided.
£120 UKP
Your Business Is Your Creation
This is all about getting the energy of your business right; getting it strong, and how the business can bless you in return.
It is generally accepted that a successful business is a result of going out there and doing it, but a lot of it is about allowing things to happen.
Your Business comprises the following:
Skill – Benefit given to your clients through your training and expertise which brings positive benefit to your clients for a return in compensation.
Intention – What you desire your business to be, using our creativity, is whatever you make it to be. As big or as small as you want it to be, full or or part-time.
Attitude – it’s really important how you show up with your clients. As quoted by Maya Angelou ‘I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’
Expectation – What are to be the results and goals to be achieved. For example, income per year; hours worked per week; clients and hours worked.
Integrity – What kind of individual are you? Are you trustworthy, committed, a good listener etc
The energy field of the business is the total of the above.
Measuring a Businesses Energy Level
This is done as a percentage:
We test the level of positive energy as a % (kinesiology test)
- 88 – 100% : excellent – The business will run really smoothly
- 75 – 87% : good – There are a few obstacles in the way
- 51 – 74% : passable – The majority of businesses are in that zone. It’s hard going as there id a lot in your way. Slow and with caution, just like driving on an uncleared snowy road.
- 0 – 50% : poor – very problematic – a lot of big stuff to to be cleared there, although in one session from here, the energy can go to 90% or above.
Clearing Energies from a Business

- Naturally, permission must be given to clear the field of a business, by the business owner. Interactive sessions are quite enlightening for the owner.
- I use the Body Code Energies chart: post-traumatic, offensive, mental, addictive, addictive heart energies, idea allergy, emotional issues.
- Energies absorbed from owner/s, employees, clients, competitors, suppliers. For example, a despair anchor from a client in 2017, which we can verify with the business owner and clear as an actual event. Clearing work is not complicated and everyone involved remembers the incident as significant. As each energy is cleared, we can measure the resultant % improvement in energy. If discordant energy is getting into the business from an empire, action on behalf of the owner needs to be taken and work it out.
- Clear business energy same as clearing an individual
- Test % positive energy after clearing
Blessing a Business
- Give thanks that the negative energy is released
- Put a shield of Light, Love and prosperity around it
- Send your business love & gratitude, which is the owner’s attunement, as he/she has a relationship with it, as the means to which we are receiving our abundance through transaction, payments for services given, the operation of the business etc. We give and we receive and we want to keep all those channels healthy.

Example questions we ask

- Is the universe a safe place? (1-10)
- Do I deserve to receive abundance through my business? (1-10)
- Am I okay with operating a successful business? (1-10)
- Am I aligned with receiving abundance for the value I give? (1-10)
As a business owner when you keep clear of obstacles to success, you can allow the flow. The obstacle/s send the flow to someone else.